TACNY Grant Helps Sci-Tech Recover

A $3,000 contribution from TACNY, the Technology Alliance of Central New York, will help Watertown’s Sci-Tech museum as it continues to repair and rebuild damage from the devastating flood that closed the Stone Street facility in 2023.

With contributions from TACNY and other donors, Sci-Tech is working to re-open the museum before Christmas, 2024. In the meantime, many of Sci-Tech’s interactive exhibits have been moved to Zoo New York, where they are on display during regular Zoo hours.

Founded in 1903, TACNY’s mission is to facilitate community awareness, appreciation, and education of technology. For more than a century, its Sweet Science lectures have featured such speakers as Herbert Hoover, Jacques Cousteau, Buckminster Fuller, Igor Sikorsky, Louis Leakey, Margaret Mead, and many others. Free and open to the public, at least 6 Sweet Science lectures are presented each year.

TACNY supports numerous technology-related activities throughout the community, and directly offers two other programs. Running since 2005, Junior Cafe Scientifique, is a series of free monthly presentations designed specifically for middle school students.

Its newest program, TACNY STEM Trekkers, debut in July, 2022. This free multi-day summer program for students entering grades 6 through 9, offers a comprehensive, unique, and rigorous STEM interactive educational experience that piques students’ interest in STEM, and that incorporates local businesses and organizations.

TACNY also hosts the annual Celebration of Technology Awards that recognizes local outstanding individual, project and company technology achievements, as well as outstanding STEM school and college educators.

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